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17 December 2009

Holiday Fun!

I'm playing along with MeekoLinda The Good Cook and Nancy from Life in the Second Half . . .

I hope you'll join in the holiday fun . . .

If you're reading this post, then you must: :)

(a) leave a comment and answer the below 25 questions that Mandy made up,

(b) write the answers to the questions below in your own blog post, if you have a blog, that is.

or (c) call yourself a scrooge in the comment below and refuse to answer them.

I hope you choose (A) or (B) but if you choose (C) then I'll just let the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future deal with you. If you do decide to write your own blog post about it, please mention Mandy since she is the author of these important questions. (Writers credit and all that jazz - thanks!)

(1) What is your favorite Christmas movie?
The Night Before Christmas

(2) What is your LEAST favorite Christmas movie?
Dora's Christmas Carol - don't hate...I can't stand it.

(3) What is your favorite Christmas song?
White Christmas

(4) What Christmas song(s) drives you crazy?
Oh Holy Night. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the song...most just can not sing it correctly. It sounded beautiful Friday night!

(5) What is your favorite Christmas drink? Wassail, eggnog, and cocoa

(6) What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Our first Christmas in Savannah, Georgia. We had nothing but our pack out from our tiny apartment in TX. No furniture at the time, it was still on it's way from CA. We had no tree, barely any money for presents let alone food. We had won a turkey from our apt. complex office that fed us for days. It was a Christmas that was full of blessing and I will never forget it.

(7) What is the best toy/gift you've received on Christmas?
My hubby for our first Christmas! He graduated Basic Training 8 days prior and was home on leave!

(8) What is the worst toy/gift you've received on Christmas?
Can't think of anything.

(9) What do you LOVE about the holidays?
I love that there is this magical rudeness off switch! People, no matter where you are are so nice during the holidays!

(10) What annoys you about the holidays?
The massive amounts of people at the store when I just need 1 or 2 things!

(11) Do you prefer star or angel on top of a Christmas tree? Or something else?
I think they both are significant. We have a star for ours. Haven't found an angel that I am in LOVE with.

(12) What is your family favorite recipe at Christmas?
Springerleighs! They are yummy cookies made with anise seed that taste like candy!

(13) Are you a Grinch or a Who at Christmastime?
Definitely a Who.

(14) Christmas light displays - Love them or Hate them?
Love them! I can't wait until we get lights on our house!

(15) Santas at the mall - Fun times or Creepy?
I can take them or leave them.

(16) Christmas cards - do you send them, yes or no?
I try to, when I am not swamped with projects.

(17) What is the best thing about Christmas, in your opinion?
The giddy-ness of everyone! (Is that a word? Giddy-ness)

(18) What is the worst thing about Christmas?

(19) When do you put the tree up and take it down?
The tree usually goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving and it usually comes down the first week of January.

(20) Out of the 12 days of Christmas, which day and item would you want your true love to give to you?
6 geese a-laying!

(21) Why do you think that Grandma got run over by a reindeer?
My guess...they got tired of pulling that fat man around and grandma's contribute to the weight issue, with all their baking and all!

(22) Who is your favorite reindeer?
Don't have a favorite.

(23) Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Well, yea!

(24) What is your favorite smell at Christmastime?
All the goody baking and the smell of REAL Christmas trees!

(25) What would make you happy at Christmas this year?
If everyone that can't be here was here.


Meeko Fabulous said...

These are all great! I agree with you on the angel. That's why I fell in love with my Tink. All the other angels I've seen look so freakin' creepy to me!!!

Corrie Howe said...

I will get this done eventually. But in keeping with my theme, I'll have Jonathan answer the questions. We'll work on it this weekend. Maybe he'll even answer on behalf of Purple Man.