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04 March 2010

I.V. Thursday!

 Today on I.V. Thursday,

I interview an amazing couple! They truly are amazing!
They have traveled such a long road just to bring their daughter into their family! And now they have embarked on another adventure! Cloth diapering!

Please realize, my husband is a man of NO words!  It doesnt seem like he went in-depth on this, but it's really good for him, lol!

Before learning about the benefits of cloth diapering, what were your thoughts on the subject?
I was interested in cloth diapering specifically for the economical aspect of it.  I’m a cheapskate, it’s no secret.  Then, I began reading about all of the chemicals in the disposable diapers and it really freaked me out.  My mantra about parenting from the get-go has been “if we take the easy way out now, how are we going to effectively parent Claire when she’s older?”  There is a definitive learning curve to cloth diapering.  Just all of the choices are overwhelming.  But, once you get into the groove, it’s easy.

How long have you been using cloth?
We’ve been cloth diapering for a relatively short period… 3 weeks, actually.  And, we’re not 100% cloth yet because I only have 8 diapers.  One of my LLL friends owns a store in my area (http://www.facebook.com/l/b2c47;www.littleants.com) that has a wide range of diapers, so I bought 4 different name brands to try out.  Another LLL friend loaned me 4 diapers to try, so we’ve been using those in heavy rotation.

What was your worst fear?
Leaking and smell.  The leaking has only been an issue for one diaper, and that was because I hadn’t prepped it correctly.

As far as smell goes, I’ve realize that I hate the chemically sweet smell of our disposable diapers now.  Maybe it’s subconscious because I know that smell is just a make up of all of those harmful chemicals.  Whatever the case, I’ve found myself doing laundry every night just so I have cloth diapers for her while I’m at home with her.  Her nanny is amazing, though, and is really excited about cloth diapering Claire!  We’re lucky to have someone so open-minded to doing that with us.

Does Bill help? If so How does he do?
I have the best husband in the world.  He’s my rock, and will do anything in support of Claire and I.  He’s the driving force for me when I’ve wanted to quit breast feeding, and he’s gotten on-board with cloth diapering as well.  With a few tutorials, he reaches for the cloth now just as much as I do.  He was in charge of night-time changes after Claire ate, so he’s loving the fact that he only has to do it once during the night rather than every two hours as I wanted when she was in disposable diapers.

Have you discovered any tricks you could pass along to other moms?
Getting the diaper tight!  I put it on like I think it should be, then really go back and check the diaper to make sure it’s on snugly.  Also, I prep the diapers when they come out of the dryer.  We really like pocket diapers, so I stuff them right out of the dryer.  We do two inserts for night time, but those are easy to distinguish from the others because they’re considerably fluffier.  We use a separate clothes basket for the prepped diapers that sits by the changing tables so we really can just grab and go like we did with disposables.

Also, google google google!  Learn how to prep the diapers, what laundry detergent to use (we use Rockin’ Green lavender vanilla) and what all the different type of diapers are.  If you’re just starting out, try one of each diaper.  I was sure I’d love covers, but I detest them.  I thought pockets were silly, but that’s what I love.  Find someone in your area if you can to explain things to you.  Katie Field, the owner of Little Ants, was wonderful in helping me get started.

Ok! Bills turn!!!!

Tell me the truth! How do you feel about all of this?

I'm fine with it right, but things may change when Claire starts eating solid foods. I do like the fact that there are no chemicals in them.

Does the routine seem like a lot of work?
No, we’ve gotten it down to a routine though.

Do you have a routine that is different from Sara's?
Not really, I usually do a diaper change before bed and during the night and again in the morning

What was your first thought when Sara brought up the idea of cloth diapering?
Hated it, but I thought they were the old school cloth diapers with clothes pins

Have you learned any tricks that you can share with other dads? 

Baby doesn't have to be changed near as often!  It saves a lot of cranky baby and dad time at night!


Two last questions!

If you could tell anyone anything about cloth diapering what would it be?
There are no chemicals in them and they have come a long way to make it easier on parents

 100% Cloth diapering! How does it feel???

 Pretty good so far, again we'll see how things change once Claire starts solid foods. LOL


Michelle said...

Oh yes. I love a dads viewpoint...let me know if you want to ask my DH some questions...we've been cloth diapering for 4 years...3 kids.

Sarah said...

Found your great blog through Friday Follow. Now following!
