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02 February 2010

Post*it Note Tuesday

Yeah, I'm hopping on the bus....no, not the short bus! LOL!



Lisa said...

hi! just stoppin' by, blog cruzin'!! Enjoy your day!

Vanessa said...

I love the way my hubby's pillow smells too!

Lisa said...

I hate alarm clocks....I love my husbands pillow. Mmmmmm

Kat said...

There is always something about a hubby's pillow, isn't there? Mine is the best!

Corrie Howe said...

I love my pillows, but not my husband's he sweats ALOT in the middle of the night. I don't even go on his side. Yuck.

But I do let him over to my side for a snuggle or two.

Helen said...

Staying or going?

Sounds like another day when crazy people come into your home and wrap everything in ugly brown paper and haul it across the country O.o

Last time, they wrapped the toilet scrubby brush.

As for hubby's pillow... don't remind me! I'll end up back in bed again!