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27 January 2009

I can finally break the news here!

Now that Christmas has past and the family all knows I can give updates here. Updates on what you may be asking...updates on my pregnancy! Yes, You just read that correctly, I am pregnant. My original Due Date was July 11th. This are progressing nicely. We did have a scare 2 weeks ago though. I had been spotting so I was asked to go in and they would check things out. Baby looked good. Very active. Took them a little while to get his measurements! Yes, his!!! We are having our first little boy! We couldn't be more excited!!! Anyways, they will remeasure again to make certain, but he measures 1 week ahead, making my due date July 4th!
So without further ado, here is our first glimpse of Regin Otto. Yes, things look a bit big in the one picture. He stuck what the tech believed to be his hand down that direction when she went to click the shot!

1 comment:

Letti said...

Aber congratualtions I am so excited that you are expecting your first boy. You also have the perfect due date for your first son July 4. Very patriotic.