Tomorrow Starts March For Cloth!
Come on in, kick back, and make yourself comfy and find out why the fluffier side of life is so much better!
Here's the line up I have planned for the month!!!
Monday Mayhem: Grab a notepad and something to write with. Your going to want to take notes! Learn all about the various styles of diapers out there and how to use them. Learn how much more cost effective it is to use cloth. See a side by side price comparison! These facts will put you in awe!
Tuesday Tells All: The good, the bad, the struggles, the rides! Every Tuesday will have guest writers!! Boy, do they tell all!
Winner Wednesday: Wednesday is all about our winners! Winners? That's right! We'll be having giveaways!!!!!
I.V. Thursday: InterViews with new cloth diapering families, long time experts, and even InterViews with the kids themselves!
Fabulous Friday: Learn all about the fabulous companies and WAHM's that are out there. Get acquainted with some of their amazing products and find out all about their FABULOUS products that they are sponsoring for our Giveaways!!
I'm so excited!!! Note book in hand!!!!
I will post your button to get attention out there, and I will be reading anxiously because I have always wondered how you cloth momma's do it!
Thank you so much for doing this series!!! I hope to have a child in the coming years and I am very much interested in cloth diapering. My husband doesn't like the idea (but he won't be changing any diapers regardless if we use "landfill diapers" or go the cloth route) but I am sure I can convince him better thanks to your series!!
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