If you plan to enter one of my Giveaways, please make sure that you read the entire post and abide to all rules of the giveaways. Lack of doing so will result in deleting of entries with no warning.

25 February 2010

Box Tops for Education Kroger GC Giveaway!!

How many times have you opened a package and noticed this logo?


Never? All the time? Once in a while?
If you do remember seeing it, do you know what it's for? 
Do you keep it or just discard the packaging when empty?

Did you know that these "box tops" are worth 10 cents each?
Now, that may not be a lot, but they all add up!

Box Tops for Education is a fantastic program. This program, though simple, has helped over 90,000 schools nation wide, earn millions of dollars to help support various educational programs.  To date this total has reached beyond :


In the school which my own children attend, we have done yearly Box Tops drives! We actually just ended our drive for this year. We brought in over  10,000 box tops!! That's over $1,000 that our school will be using to go towards our schools resource center! We had a goal of $750. We met and exceeded that!

Our top box top collecting class was a Kindergarten class that brought in 587 box tops! The next largest total, was a 3rd grade class that brought in 438 box tops. Last year, our school's box tops drive went towards the PE department with a total of $618.

How can you keep track of all that, you may be asking yourself. Piece of cake! I check our school's progress at the Box Tops Website

I simply signed up, entered the school my kids attend, and viola! I can now see how my school is doing! Singing up not only gives you access to your school's earnings, but to an array of other perks!

 Over $150 in members-only coupon savings every year
 Recipes using Box Tops products 
 New ideas and ways to earn cash for your school

Now through the end of February, you have a chance to will 1,000 bonus box tops for your school in the I LOVE MY SCHOOL SWEEPSTAKES!! ENTER NOW, but first, make sure you Sign up!!

Right now, you can get a jump start on earning Box Tops for your
school by entering to win a $25 Kroger's gift card, courtesy of
General Mills!  Simply visit Kroger's website and tell me where
your closest Kroger store location is! Make sure add your email
addy, so that I can contact the winner! 

Only 1 entry per person, unless you do the extra credit. Giveaway
will be open to comments through the 28th! Winner will be
announced on the 1st!

Want an extra entry?
  • Simply tell me what Box Tops for Education has done for your school!   +5 entries
  • Follow my blog publicly   +1 entry
  • Place my button on your blog   +3 entries
  • Follow me on Twitter  @ArmyMomsPlace +1 entry
  • RT: Enter to win a $25 Kroger gift Card http://bit.ly/9NUrpm  +1 entry/day/tweet
  • Blog about this Giveaway +5 entries
Please leave a separate comment for each extra entry. 

General Mills provided me with a gift card, information, as well giveaway through MyBlogSpark.