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21 January 2010

Sorry :(

I feel like I have been a little MIA the past few days. I tried to go visit as many of you as I could. I have been feeling like crud! I luckily was able to be stuck into an appointment slot for today (takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R to get appointments here). So glad too. I still have my original apt for the 28th slotted. I hightly doubt I would have made it that long.

My left ear started feeling very stuffy when I woke up Monday morning. The stuffiness eventually went away, but by lunch time I was hearing was sounded like a big semi truck idling in front of the house! It annoyed the heck out of me. I was such a crab because of it by that night.

By yesterday the sound was still there, the stuffiness was there all day - and BAD! On top of all that, my other ear started hurting! I left a message for the nurse to call me back, and she luckily had 1 single appointment open!

The verdict???

A double ear infection, fluid behind both ears, and aggravated allergies! I learned that the fluid is not part of the infection, but is in fact starting a secondary infection in my right ear! Gee! Go figure! SO now I'm on a powerful antibiotic, a higher dose of my Singulair, Benadryl, and have to go back to pick up a nasal spray with a steroid! Ugggggggh!

Oh yeah! The Bub had his 6 month this morning as well...........he has an ear infection from teething! AND Hubby says that he thinks he should get checked out because his ear is feeling super stuffy!

And the height of the allergy season has begun!


Corrie Howe said...

I'm sorry you are yours aren't feeling too well. My Jonathan has slept for 12 hours straight now...in the day time. This is so unusual, but I can tell you the doctor will think I'm over reacting to call and mention this.

Meeko Fabulous said...

No love lost here. :) Take care of yourself and feel better, k? *hugs*

Unknown said...

Only in Texas...at least we have had the worst allergies here.