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02 January 2010

Cookies Cookies Everywhere and the Smell of Sugar in the Air

Seriously! The evening we made cookies, we had more cookies than we knew what to do with and the air was so...sugary! Blahhhh! I don't like that!  Here are the masterpieces that we all made!

By the kiddos:

By mom and I:


Poor, poor Santa!

Want to know what is scary?  We still have some! Guess where they will be going tomorrow????? To Oscar the Grouch! He needs more stuff at the dump!


Sharon said...

oh my goodness they look SO yummy!!!

Corrie Howe said...

You know my kids are not as much into "sweets" and I was/am. I have to throw out their stuff, or I'll eat it.

Cathi said...

Sugar cookies are the best! Fun to make and fun to eat!!

The Mommy-Files said...

Looks like you had lots of fun making cookies :) Happy New Year!